we went to the pool today (saturday, nov 21 2009) and quentin got his head stuck in the railings. we weren't looking and suddenly he was calling for help. well, no worries, he is safe and sound in bed now. quentin managed to wriggle free and come out the other side (on daddy's urging). mommy was laughing hysterically the whole time because i found it so funny. after quentin got over his initial shock, he started to have a blast and was doing wriggling dances with his head still stuck - maybe he felt encouraged by mommy's laughter. daddy was turning beet-red in anger (threatened a spank if the misdemeanor repeated itself) and trinity, as usual, is alicia silverstone (clueless). daddy said that he was lucky it wasnt a balcony because he wouldnt be able to wriggle out the other side unless he wanted to free fall 24 storeys. haaaa ...
no, wait a minute ... this is fun.
friends who view this must think nichole is mental because her son's head is stuck and she still has the presence of mind to snap pictures. LOL.
hi jean. johnson and us met up at ibn battuta mall, dubai. ibn (pronounced ee-been) battuta is a famous arabic traveller and this mall chronicles his travels around the world - he even went to china. i think johnson got a kick out of that. we had a lot of fun. johnson is a nice chap. we enjoyed his company.
johnson and quentin
johnson and some astrological monument - measures the movement of the stars or something like that
i took this because it reminded me of lord of the rings
hi jean, we received your lovely gifts in march 2009. i wanted to surprise you with a thank-you blog but didnt find the time to do it until now. thank you for always thinking of us.
reuben and i love the t-shirts!!! trinity was 5 months old when she posed for the shots.
i cry when ugly people hold me ... as you can tell, reuben had just carried trinny
i dont look for trouble ... it just finds me this is such a cute shot
this one too
a little cheeky
i still live with my parents reuben wonders when trinny will get a job and move out
i think not anytime soon
love this look
... it's the "i-dont-pay-rent" look
does this diaper make my butt look big? daddy says it is trinny's butt that makes her butt look big (mean!)
the wet spots are drool ... what else?
we love you andbobto bits ...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
dubai coronation of king ben
long live king ben crown prince quentin crown princess trinity